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Episode 203: Tino Thraxes Ten

New Episodes

Friend and listener of the show Tino curates our history of the discography of Anthrax. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 203

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 200: Gotcha Covered


Covers no more no less. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 200

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 196: The EYES Have It

New Episodes

Inspired by my recent bout with double pink eye. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 196

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 187: Thanks AND Giving

New Episodes

Songs with the words Thanks AND Giving in the title. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 187

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 186: Peace and Love and Fuck Terrorism

New Episodes

For Paris. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 186

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 173: The Odds And Ends Of 2015 Volume 1

New Episodes

The best singles from EPs and soundtracks and tribute albums. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 173

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 157: Tino Strikes Ten

New Episodes

Long time friend of the show Tino Fella calls in with his desert island list. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 157

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 154: The Ghost Tracks After Christmas Passed

New Episodes

My favorite hidden mystery ghost tracks of all time. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 154

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 132: The KISS Song Titles Remain The Same [Part 15 of 21]

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21 Shows in 21 Days Part 15 we use the Asylum and Crazy Nights albums for song title inspirations. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 132

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Kiss -40
Body Count – Manslaughter
Marty Friedman – Inferno
Crowbar – Symmetry In Black
The first wave of Zeppelin reissues
Danko Jones – Sleep Is The Enemy
Decibel Geek Podcast
Rock and or Roll Podcast
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365

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Episode 115: Band Names In Songs

New Episodes

Ten song titles that are also band names whether intended or not. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 115

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: KXM
Ginger – Market Harbour
Judas Preist – Screaming For Vengeance
Rock and or Roll Podcast
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365

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Episode 108: Can I Sing Too Guys?

New Episodes

Rare occurrences of big name bands that have had different members of the band take a stab at singing on the record. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 108

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Sharon Jones – Give the People What They Want
Lucinda Williams – s/t (deluxe)
Talk is Jericho podcast
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365

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Episode 81: The Odds and Ends of 2013 Volume 2

New Episodes

On the Odds and Ends I bring you the best stuff from random releases. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 81

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as the brand new music show called The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Current Listening: Black Sabbath – 13
Queens of the Stone Age – Like Clockwork
Mutation – The Frankenstein Effect/Error 500
All Danko Jones including his podcast!

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Episode 73: Who Put the ‘C’ in CNJ?

New Episodes

My best friend and partner in CNJRadio Chris joins me and reveals his Top 10 desert island records and we play a standout song from each of those picks. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 73

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

The link to the official RANCID bootleg we spoke of on this episode.

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as the brand new music show called The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Current Listening: Jimi Hendrix – People, Hell and Angels
The Replacements – Songs For Slim
Puscifer – Donkey Punch the Night

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Episode 69: The Shammys 2013

New Episodes

Ten songs that are in some way up for a Grammy this year that I can listen to without vomiting up day glo. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Listen Here

Episode 69

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

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Episode 44: Truths That Anthrax Told Me

New Episodes

Ten songs that Anthrax have covered throughout their career. I stuck with the Joey Belladonna era of cover selections out of respect to the current lineup of the band. Listen ‘Like’ and SHARE!

Listen Here

Episode 44

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current Listening: Ginger – 555%
Lita Ford – Living Like A Runaway
blur – Under the Westway (single)
nothing but Anthrax, Slayer & Motorhead!

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Episode 28: Do It Again

New Episodes

Re-recordings of songs that do not suck or offend. In light of the Scorpions new album called ‘Comeblack’ which is half covers and half re-recorded hits, it got me thinking whether or not there were other examples of this which I actually liked. I was very surprised to find out that there are exceptions to my ‘all re-recordings suck and are unnecessary’ rule, who knew? So join me as I focus on a musical topic which is damn near impossible to defend and check out bands and singers who have gone into the studio with the sheer intention of rewriting history and yet they didn’t tarnish it either.

Listen Here

Episode 28

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the re-booted Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current listening for the week:
Foxy Shazam – The Church Of Rock & Roll
The Scorpions – Comeblack
All things Van Halen plus Roth and Hagar solo stuff
and lots of SiriusXM!!!

Current Watching for the Week:
The Scorpions new live blu ray
and THE TWILIGHT ZONE thanks to a pretty girl

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Episode 24: The Ten Of Eleven

New Episodes

My favorite albums of 2011. This is the Rock Strikes Ten debut of the ‘C’ in CNJRadio. The records I chose for this show is the list as of air time on New Year’s Day and I had a list with about 15 more records that I enjoyed quite a lot this year but I ultimately decided on playing these particular albums. I hope you are not bummed that I didn’t rank any of them except for the top two. Perhaps a familiar voice will make things up to you……

p.s. I definitely recommend the laundry list of records I spout off at the end of the show as well

Listen Here

Episode 24

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me who your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current listening for the week:
Black Keys – El Camino
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings – Soul Time!
Boots Electric – Honky Kong

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Episodes 16-18: Gil-Logan’s Island [Bang Your Head] (Part 2)

New Episodes

Part 2 of the epic metal show on Rock Strikes Ten with Logan of Birth School Metal Death.

Listen Here!

Part 2

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Episode 11: Not So Fun (Fun Fun)

New Episodes

On this episode I deal with not attending the 2011 edition of Fun Fun Fun Fest in Austin, TX which is a mere 3 hours and change from where I live. I know I sound bummed out at the beginning of the show especially but I come around and realize that if I cannot be there then having a charmed life and this show is really all i need. Programming Note: Yes I realize that The Damned and The Murder City Devils were also playing there this weekend. I played both bands on the show last week so go check them out using the tags.

Listen Here

Episode 11

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite Fun Fun Fun Fest artists were whether they were on this episode or not. Perhaps I missed a song or band you may think I may not be aware of. As always, I would love to know what your favorite or least favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current listening for the week:
Beach Boys – Smile (WOW!!!!)
Megadeth – Thirt3en (not that other band that starts with a ‘M’……. no no no no no)

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