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Episode 693: The Top 40 Albums of 2004 Volume 2 [#30-21]

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We continue on with the Top 40 albums countdown of 2004 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 693

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 579: The Top 83 Records of 1983 Part 2 [#80-71]

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We continue counting down the Top Albums From 1983 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 579

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 523: The Top 80 Albums Of 1992 Volume 5 [#40-31]

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We continue counting down the Top 80 Records of 1992 with albums number 50 through 41 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 523

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 409: The 90 From 90 (Part 7: The Top Albums #30-21)

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Episode 7 of 9 where I countdown the best albums from 1990 numbers 30 through 21 so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 409

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 361: The Odds and Ends of the Decade Volume X

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More songs from the last decade from EPs, tribute albums, live albums, reissues, soundtracks and single only releases. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 361

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 316: The Fallen Of 2018 Volume II

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Logan returns to the show as we discuss the most notable music deaths from the first half of 2018. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 316

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 147: Hit Or Miss

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New songs from greatest hits collections. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 147

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Decibel Geek Podcast
Rock and or Roll Podcast
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365

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Episode 97: The Odds and Ends of 2013 Volume III

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More songs from soundtracks or EPs or tribute albums etc Its the Odds and Ends. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 97

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Halestorm – Reanimate 2.0
Metallica – Through The Never
a lot of GTA music
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365
All Danko Jones including his podcast!

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Episode 39: Your Mom

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Ten songs with the word mom or momma or mama or mommy for your listening pleasure. Listen ‘Like’ and SHARE!

Listen Here

Episode 39

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current Listening: Marilyn Manson – Born Villain
Jack White – Blunderbuss
Mars Volta – Noctourniquet
Heavy Hearts benefit album

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