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Episode 702: The Odds and Ends of 2024: A to Z – Volume 7

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It is now time for Part 7 of 9 of the Odds and Ends of 2024 and it is gonna be a good one so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 702

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 621: KISS ReCovered

New Episodes

In the second part of this two parter we pay tribute to the 50th anniversary of the debut album by Kiss by playing a choice cover version of each song from the record minus one so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 621

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 541: The Top 40 Albums Of 2022 Part 1 [#40-31]

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Kicking off the Top 40 Albums Countdown of 2022 with numbers 40 through 31 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 541

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 518: The Odds and Ends Of 1992 Volume III

New Episodes

More Songs from Live Albums or Soundtracks or EPs or single only releases or greatest hits or cover albums or tribute albums from 1992 so Listen, ‘Like’, Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 518

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 493: Concert Regrets Live From the Best Foxhouse in Town!

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This week Rock Strikes Ten goes ON THE ROAD so that means this episode was recorded at the best foxhouse in town and I am joined by the great L.C. Fox aka Loose Cannon from the Cobras and Fire Podcast and we lament about a bunch of concerts we did not attend with massive regret and play songs in between it is a good time so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 493

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 480: RST Spells 43

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Spelling out Forty Three with some of my favorite songs so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 480

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 426: All For The Love Of Gerri

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Paying tribute to the late great Gerri Miller and so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 426

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 421: Frozen Metal

New Episodes

It’s time for a Frozen Metal block and a frozen metal thanks if you are listening so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 421

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 377: Concert Chronolgy Volume I

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My personal concert history circa 1988-1992. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 377

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 360: The Odds and Ends Of The Decade Volume IX

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More songs from the last decade from EPs, tribute albums, live albums, reissues, soundtracks and single only releases. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 360

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 328: The Hall Of Gems

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Unappreciated albums by notable artists IT’S THE HALL OF GEMS. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 328

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 145: Moscow Peace Talks

New Episodes

Myself and Logan talk about the Moscow Music Peace Festival 25 years later. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 145

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Decibel Geek Podcast
Rock and or Roll Podcast
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365

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Episode 144: The Odds and Ends of 2014 Volume II

New Episodes

The best stuff from soundtracks and EPs and tribute albums etc. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 144

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Ace Frehley – Space Invader
Tom Petty – Hypnotic Eye
Weird Al Yankovic – Mandatory Fun
Beach Boys – “Smile” Sessions Box Set
Decibel Geek Podcast
Rock and or Roll Podcast
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365

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Episode 97: The Odds and Ends of 2013 Volume III

New Episodes

More songs from soundtracks or EPs or tribute albums etc Its the Odds and Ends. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 97

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Halestorm – Reanimate 2.0
Metallica – Through The Never
a lot of GTA music
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365
All Danko Jones including his podcast!

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