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Episode 693: The Top 40 Albums of 2004 Volume 2 [#30-21]

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We continue on with the Top 40 albums countdown of 2004 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 693

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 636: The Top 80 Albums of 1974 Part 6 [#30-21]

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We are over the halfway point and hitting upon even more essential records so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 636

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 578: The Top 83 Records of 1983 Part 1 [#83-81]

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We finally begin counting down the Top Albums From 1983 after we play some single favorites as well so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 578

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 563: The Top 80 Albums of 1973 Volume 6 [#30-21]

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We crack the Top 30 as we continue to countdown the best 80 albums from the year 1973 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 563

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 534: The Top 45 Albums Of 2002 Part 3 [#25-16]

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Today we continue the Top 45 Albums of 2002 Countdown so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 534

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 533: The Top 45 Albums Of 2002 Part 2 [#35-26]

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Today we continue the Top 45 Albums of 2002 Countdown so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 533

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 524: The Top 80 Albums Of 1992 Volume 6 [#30-21]

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We continue counting down the Top 80 Records of 1992 with albums number 30 through 21 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 524

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 457: The Rock N Rank Top 60 Albums Of 1991 [Part 5-#20-11]

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Albums number 20-11 in our Top 60 of 1991 so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 457

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 422: Frozen Rock Blocks

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Frozen Blocks of Rock to get you through the last gasp of Winter so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 422

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 293: The Fallen Of 2018 Volume I

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Logan drops by to finish up with the final batch of the Fallen of 2017 and the first batch for 2018. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 293

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 214: 1976 – The Deep Cuts

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Part 2 of 4 of our tribute to 1976 with some of the more lesser known acts. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 214

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 179: 80 From 80 Part VI

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The Top 80 Songs from the year 1980 curated by me and ranked by Chris Part 6 with songs number 30 through 21. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 179

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 167: Hey Kids! Do you Like The Rock and Roll?

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My tribute to one of the great broadcasters of all time. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 167

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 165: Concert Bucket List

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My favorite bands that to date I have never seen live. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 165

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 152: The Mega Special December 7th Show!


It’s time to celebrate the 7th of December. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 152

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

Current Listening: Decibel Geek Podcast
Rock and or Roll Podcast
Talking Metal podcasts and Talking Metal Digital on Live 365

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Episode 83: The Outshined Originals

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Simple enough the songs on the show this week are not as famous as their cover versions. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 83

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as the brand new music show called The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Current Listening: Black Sabbath – 13
Queens of the Stone Age – Like Clockwork
Mutation – The Frankenstein Effect/Error 500
All Danko Jones including his podcast!

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Episode 69: The Shammys 2013

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Ten songs that are in some way up for a Grammy this year that I can listen to without vomiting up day glo. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Listen Here

Episode 69

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

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Episode 48: A Block Of Writers

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Ten songs that feature my current all time Top 10 songwriters. Listen Like and SHARE!!!!

Listen Here

Episode 48

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current Listening: Fozzy – Sin and Bones
The Dollyrots – s/t
Donnie Hathaway – Live & In Performance


Episode 35: Without A Net (Profit that is)

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Just like we did on the very fifth episode this show features ten live tracks that I enjoy very immensely.

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Episode 35

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

The Jerry Gaskill/King’s X Live Album for helping Jerry out with his medical bills.

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the re-booted Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current Listening: Imperial State Electric – Pop War

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Episode 24: The Ten Of Eleven

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My favorite albums of 2011. This is the Rock Strikes Ten debut of the ‘C’ in CNJRadio. The records I chose for this show is the list as of air time on New Year’s Day and I had a list with about 15 more records that I enjoyed quite a lot this year but I ultimately decided on playing these particular albums. I hope you are not bummed that I didn’t rank any of them except for the top two. Perhaps a familiar voice will make things up to you……

p.s. I definitely recommend the laundry list of records I spout off at the end of the show as well

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Episode 24

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me who your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current listening for the week:
Black Keys – El Camino
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings – Soul Time!
Boots Electric – Honky Kong

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Episode 9: Rock Strikes Halloween

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It is time to hit SHUFFLE on the Halloween playlist. The theme today is easy enough as it is a mixture of different styles and flavors of Halloween songs. Just like digging through your candy pail except you can’t eat it. I decided to do a Part 2 of this same theme that should be up in another 12 hours from now. Enjoy Part 1 and thanks again for listening and all your requests.

Listen Here

Episode 9

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite Halloween/scary songs are. Perhaps I missed a song you may think I may not be aware of. As always, I would love to know what your favorite or least favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current Listening: All Halloween related material!

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