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Episode 694: The Top 40 Albums of 2004 Volume 3 [#20-11]

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We break into the Top 20 of the Top 40 albums countdown of 2004 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 694

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 685: The Top 80 Albums of 1994 – Part 7 [#20-11]

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It is now time for the Top 20 on our Top 80 Albums Countdown for the year 1994 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

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Episode 685

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 591: The Odds and Ends of 1993 A-Z – Part 3

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We continue with the 3rd part of the odds and ends from 30 years ago so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 591

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 549: The Odds and Ends Of 2023 Volume 1

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The first batch of Odds and Ends for this current year of 2023 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 549

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 537: The Odds and Ends Of 2022 Volume IV

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Over the next week we will finish up with all of 2022 so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 537

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 529: The Odds and Ends Of 2002 Volume III

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I continue the weeklong 2002 super spectacular retrospective with some Odds and Ends so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 529

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 519: The Top 80 Albums Of 1992 Volume 1 [#80-71]

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We kick off the Top 80 Records of 1992 countdown with albums number 80 through 71 so Listen, ‘Like’, Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 519

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 493: Concert Regrets Live From the Best Foxhouse in Town!

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This week Rock Strikes Ten goes ON THE ROAD so that means this episode was recorded at the best foxhouse in town and I am joined by the great L.C. Fox aka Loose Cannon from the Cobras and Fire Podcast and we lament about a bunch of concerts we did not attend with massive regret and play songs in between it is a good time so Listen ‘Like’ Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 493

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 452: The Odds and Ends Of 1991 Part III

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The Best songs from Soundtracks Best Ofs EPs Single only releases Live Albums tribute albums cover albums box sets One offs etc. from the year 1991 so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 452

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 411: The 90 From 90 (Part 9: The Top Albums #10-1)

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Episode 9 of 9 where I countdown the best albums from 1990 numbers 10 through 1 so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 411

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 402: The Purging Of 45

New Episodes

We say bon voyage and dont come back to the worst president ever so Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 402

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 378: Concert Chronology Volume II

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My personal concert history circa 1992-1994. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 378

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic Empire and The Last Theater and Talking Rock and The I Am Vinyl Podcast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 364: The Top 100 Records Of The Decade Part II (#90-81)

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Counting down the Top 100 records of the decade with numbers 90 through 81. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 364

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 358: The Odds and Ends Of The Decade Volume VII

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More songs from the last decade from EPs, tribute albums, live albums, reissues, soundtracks and single only releases. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 358

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 341: Stranger Things Upside Down – Season 2

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Joey takes you into the Upside Down with cover versions of songs featured in the second season of Stranger Things. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 341

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 289: The Top 30 Albums Of 1997 Part III

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The Top 10 Albums of 1997. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 289

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic and The Last Theater On The Left.

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

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Episode 256: The Alice Cooper Family Tree Volume 2

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More artists directly associated with Alice Cooper. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 256

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 235: Pop Rocks 86 Vol. 2

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Logan joins me for our last installment of our tribute to 1986. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 235

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 205: 2016 Rock N Rank Vol 1

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The first ten releases I purchased this year are highlighted this week and already ranked accordingly. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 205

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 167: Hey Kids! Do you Like The Rock and Roll?

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My tribute to one of the great broadcasters of all time. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Go type in all of these artists on iTunes, Amazon, Pandora,, etc. and see what fun you get into. Buy your music because it will be appreciated more on both ends, trust me!

Listen Here

Episode 167

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

Follow me on Twitter

Please check out our other shows on including the flagship, Wrestling House Show as well as The Synaptic.

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

Big thanks to Mark Strigl for his endorsement of Rock Strikes Ten, it’s truly an honor. Go and ‘LIKE’ the Talking Metal Digital facebook page as well.

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Episode 69: The Shammys 2013

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Ten songs that are in some way up for a Grammy this year that I can listen to without vomiting up day glo. Listen Like Subscribe and SHARE!!!!

Listen Here

Episode 69

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

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Episode 28: Do It Again

New Episodes

Re-recordings of songs that do not suck or offend. In light of the Scorpions new album called ‘Comeblack’ which is half covers and half re-recorded hits, it got me thinking whether or not there were other examples of this which I actually liked. I was very surprised to find out that there are exceptions to my ‘all re-recordings suck and are unnecessary’ rule, who knew? So join me as I focus on a musical topic which is damn near impossible to defend and check out bands and singers who have gone into the studio with the sheer intention of rewriting history and yet they didn’t tarnish it either.

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Episode 28

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the re-booted Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current listening for the week:
Foxy Shazam – The Church Of Rock & Roll
The Scorpions – Comeblack
All things Van Halen plus Roth and Hagar solo stuff
and lots of SiriusXM!!!

Current Watching for the Week:
The Scorpions new live blu ray
and THE TWILIGHT ZONE thanks to a pretty girl

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Episodes 16-18: Gil-Logan’s Island [Bang Your Head] (Part 1)

New Episodes

The long awaited heavy metal focus episode. Just like the genre itself, we do it big here and to an excessive and decadent degree because I am joined by one of my best friends of all time, Logan. What started out as a regular episode ended up being a 3 hour plus roundtable and oh yeah we still manage to play ten songs, NO MORE!……NO LESS! I know that a section of you that listen are not big heavy metal fans but this show IS for you. Obviously if you are a fan, you should enjoy this episode immensely but this is what I like to call the handshake into heavy metal (hornshake?) and this is what I believe to be the Top 10 icons of heavy metal. Myself and Logan talk in length about what these bands mean to heavy metal and to us as people. Logan even manages to brings in a few alternate selections for those of you that are looking to take some of the more extreme next steps. I hope you enjoy this episode at even a fraction of how much I enjoyed making this one. Let me know what you think about me doing this show with the occasional special guest if you have an opinion. Afterwards, use the link directly below this and tell Logan whether or not you want him to do a ‘Birth, School, Metal, Death’ show for all of you on a regular basis. *Updated* Ok, so I get this email and site comment from friend and listener Steven (thanks Steven!) that he can’t hear the songs on Episode 16. Naturally, this concerned me so I immediately checked the podcast posting in my library and lo and behold NO SONGS! After panic mode set in I decided to just go back and retrieve the whole show, break it up into 2 parts and repost it as such. So there you go, because the technical gods just weren’t metal enough to handle a 3 hour and 20 minute show, and because I have to keep each file consistent in naming them alright blah blah blah long story long. Just enjoy the shows and know that I am not trying to pad my number of episodes, this is just the only way I could do it. Thanks for understanding and for listening and know that I appreciate you all. ENJOY THE SHOWS!

‘Like’ and recommend BIRTH SCHOOL METAL DEATH on Facebook!

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Part 1

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

‘Like’ Rock Strikes Ten on Facebook

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‘Like’ and recommend The Bull Pit by my friend John Dissed. He plays really really good rock and roll on his show. Here is the Facebook and subscribe to him on iTunes as well!

‘Like’ and recommend The Synaptic by our good friend Randy. The guy knows his music for sure and his variety of taste is vast.

Also check out the Wrestling House Show also a part of! If you’re not a pro wrestling fan then recommend it to someone who is.

Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite heavy metal songs or bands are and whether they were on this episode or not. Perhaps I missed a song (or band) you may think I may not be aware of. As always, I would love to know what your favorite or least favorite songs were from each episode. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

Current listening for the week:
Everything from 2011 all over again, gearing up for the end of the year list.

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Episode 2: Sophomore Success

New Episodes

Well just think of the first episode as the pilot. Now we’re back and my voice is a little deeper and my hair is a little longer and it’s time to strike……..back. Anyway this episode I focus on the bands who stepped up and proved to the world that they had more than one good album in them.  I hope you like the show and perhaps pick up a few of these records because these are some of my favorites of all time.  Coming soon to the site I will have way easy buy links to use as well as new (and old) album reviews and perhaps even a daily commentary.  The next episode will be focusing on power trios and I am really excited about it because I found some great tracks by these mostly known trios.  I will keep you posted on all of these things and until then….. enjoy the show!

Records I’m enjoying right now

Anthrax – Worship Music

Alice Cooper – Welcome 2 My Nightmare

Ghost – Opus Eponymous

Listen Here

Episode 2

or better yet please subscribe in iTunes PLEASE! (it’s in there somewhere)

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Once you have listened to the episode, feel free to email and tell me what your favorite sophomore albums or favorite songs from sophomore albums are. In addition you can request a theme for a future episode or just send good ol’ hate mail.

3 will be up before you know it so listen to this one quick and get your opinions to me.

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